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Holidays 2008

Hey all, have a few minutes now that the holidays are over, We can take a breather!! whew!! As many of my online buddies, we have had our share of snow and ice..... bitter cold!!!brrrrr!

Ofcourse the poochies love running through it, lol they dont have to shovel for hours, lol .............................................................................................................................................................

A big event was with my oldest, Nathan, got to wear a tux for the very first time in the highschool's christmas concert, he is in chorus, and looks very hansome!!!(ofcourse I could be biased, lol) He wouldn't shut up all week we had the tux at home, about wearing it. Then we he finally got to put it on, he says "mirror", runs to bathroom, then while looking at his reflection says "wow" "neat" adjusting his bow tie, lol.

Nathan actually sang quite a few of the actual christmas songs, so many schools don't sing christmas sons due to the differing of religions, which is fair, but I really missed actually seeing and hearing my boys sing "christmas" songs for school programs, so was an added bonus for such a special night. Below are a few pics during the concert. Nathan was a little afraid of the bleachers or whatever it is they stand on, so he got to sit in a chair, he was all smiles and singing. Afterwards the group was singing fun stuff and nathan really enjoyed that, singing and dancing with the group, I was almost in tears seeing him participate with his "nondisabled" peers like one of the "guys"

As for Christmas day, Nathan had opened a few of his presents several times, so he knew what he was getting, but he got to open them AGAIN, lol, and has allready watched the muppet show 3rd season, ive lost count the number of times, and him and nicholas love thier new games, batman lego, and call of duty, world at war?? I'm not much of a gamer as hubby, he plays them as much if not more than the boys, lol. Don't forget Chirstmas Eve.... We did the candle light service at church, the boys' favorite service, and then our Christmas picnic at grandparents house, lots of munchies and presents for everyone! The boys look foreward to Chirstmas Eve at grandma's as much as they do Christmas day.
AS for the New Year, I had to work, but they boys and hubby had munchies and watched movies, and ofcourse the ball drop and then called me at midnight to wish me "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" So I want to pass it on, to all who view my blogger, "Happy New Year!" May 2009 be a good one! Filled with new hopes, dreams, good health , old and new friends!


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