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Showing posts from January, 2009

Holidays 2008

Hey all, have a few minutes now that the holidays are over, We can take a breather!! whew!! As many of my online buddies, we have had our share of snow and ice..... bitter cold!!!brrrrr! Ofcourse the poochies love running through it, lol they dont have to shovel for hours, lol ............................................................................................................................................................. A big event was with my oldest, Nathan, got to wear a tux for the very first time in the highschool's christmas concert, he is in chorus, and looks very hansome!!!(ofcourse I could be biased, lol) He wouldn't shut up all week we had the tux at home, about wearing it. Then we he finally got to put it on, he says "mirror", runs to bathroom, then while looking at his reflection says "wow" "neat" adjusting his bow tie, lol. Nathan actually sang quite a few of the actual christmas songs, so many schools don't sing ch...