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Showing posts from March, 2013

National Quilting Day

Happy quilting to sll my fellow quilters today!

Spring, where are you?

Hubby and Nicholas are out shoveling out if that 9 inches if snow we got...(last week)

Embroidery Block of the Month, block 1…January

Joined an embroidery quilt, block of the month at the HoneyBarn. Its lovely flowers each month with coordinating fabrics. we receive each months pattern on last friday of the month, just received February’s a couple weeks ago, will post soon.

Christmas Crafts I made for family members…2012


Bea and Odie snuggling on couch, looking sooooooo cozy! Dec 2012.

Catching up…..

Ok, I will post a few photos to try and catch up a little, ive been too busy trying to keep up on facebook, etc and want to do better on my blogging. Soooo, bear with me on some of the photos, I will date them etc. , most of all, ENJOY!